A Father’s Legacy, A Son’s Salute

A Father’s Legacy, A Son’s Salute

Friends, I wrote this story from my own experiences and observations in commemoration of Father’s Day. This is copy righted materials. Anyone needing to publish this will require my written permission   A Father’s Legacy, A Son’s Salute A roaring father lion...

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My Veterans Administration Medical Center, Place of Admiration and Memories

According to news reports 2 dozens or more of Veterans Administration Medical Centers (VAMC) are now under investigation for cooking the books on the patient waiting list. This has jeopardized the reputation of our government and thus far well...

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Your GI Center and all our sister institutions and staff are proud to announce that our CEO, President and founder, Dr. Nizam M. Meah has just gotten recertified in ABIM subspecialty of Gastroenterology. This is his third recertification as...

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Anatomy of a Mother; our Medical Education on the back of the Poor

Friends, I wrote this story from my own experiences and observations in commemoration of Mother's Day. This is copy righted materials. Anyone needing to publish this will require my written permission.   I was still in my very first year of...

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Mothers Day: Nothing Better than a Mother.

Mothers Day: Nothing Better than a Mother.

Listen to my Radio Talk "This I Believe" on past Mother's Day with KUHF Houston Public radio, here: Mothers Day Talk   All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. Abraham Lincoln    First, A Note to My Mother... Today...

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MARCH – Colon Cancer Awareness Month!

MARCH – Colon Cancer Awareness Month!

  Something that I'm passionate about as a physician, is Colon Cancer Awareness, Prevention, and Treatment. "The National Cancer Institute estimates that more than 1.1 million Americans with a history of colorectal cancer were alive in January 2007. " Statistics courtesy of Cancer.org Last year,...

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Choosing a Doctor | When Does a Doctor Begin to Diagnose their Patient?

Choosing a Doctor | When Does a Doctor Begin to Diagnose their Patient?

A lot of people wonder, when does a doctor actually begin diagnosing their patient?  When you're choosing a doctor, there are a lot of things that give away the quality of care you're going to receive. While you really cannot ever...

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Jean Georges, N.P.

Jean Georges, N.P. Jean is our Texas native nurse practitioner and we describe her as "Texan to the Bone". She works very hard here at the office and is great at what she does. She was hired for her personable...

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Dr. U. Siddiqui

Dr. U. Siddiqui

Dr. U. Siddiqui M.D. - Who is He? Dr. Siddiqui is a Gastroenterologist that was hired for his skill, expertise, and drive to be the best he can. How He Became a Doctor.... Always fond of science, Dr. Siddiqui's medical journey started...

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