6 Fail-Proof Steps to Manage Acid Reflux
According to some research, Acid Reflux like disorders can be found in 60% of this countries adult population. That means in a room of ten people, there’s a good chance that 6 of us will be
in some time of pain. However, there are definitely ways that you can manage this disease. I sat down with Dr. Meah to ask him for the most important steps to managing Acid Reflux and this is what he had to say. Keep reading to find out more!
1. Know the reality: Acid Reflux is a chronic condition and may recur frequently. Thinking that it is an acute condition and will automatically go away without intervention is like an Ostrich hiding the head in sand in the middle of sandstorm, it’s not going to work. In a small minority of people, acid reflux can be intermittent and effect them as a result of poor diet, alcohol, or other lifestyle variables. That said, you should still see a doctor to help you manage your illness.
2. Right is wrong: If lying down either night or day time makes your illness worse, something that should help to know is that in general right, is wrong. This means that sleeping left side is better than right.
This is because of the way the stomach anatomy is. By lying on the right side, the pocket of acid can easily regurgitate into your esophagus; causing worsening of the symptoms of acid reflux like heartburn, indigestion, and chest pain. Lying in the left side, the stomach acid pocket shifts away from esophagus, creating the potential to improve symptoms.
3. Treating your stomach and intestine with dignity: Respect the hard work your whole digestive system does for you. Avoid especially night time alcohol, overeating, excessive caffeine, fatty meal and large meals. This also means do not go to bed prior without giving at least 2 hours since the last eating session.
4. Wrong and right timing of medicine: medicine is a necessary evil. There are conditions you may have that require you take medicine but remember, timing is crucial. Always speak with your prescribing doctor and dispensing pharmacy about changing the timing of your medicine especially if you have nighttime symptoms of reflux.
5. Know Thyself: Reflux and its symptoms are not one homogeneous entity; each person can have different symptoms ranging from heartburn to indigestion to pain to fullness to even vomiting. So do not assume that only monolithic symptoms of heartburn is reflux.
If you have other symptoms, speak with your doctor or a doctor specializing gastrointestinal diseases. Same thing applies for food and diet. Although there are some common offenders, your offenders of reflux could be quite varied and different than others. If you get to know your own quirks it will help to control your own symptoms.
6. Know your limits: Knowing our limits and when to seek care is a most important part of management of any chronic disease and Reflux is no exception. By doing all general remedies and using the over the counter medicines in a recommended rational way, if you still have frequent attacks of symptoms or your symptoms do not go away, it is time to escalate the care.
There are lots of mimickers of reflux diseases including ulcers and there are lots of physicial conditions that can give rise to reflux like Hiatal Hernia. IN addition, complications of reflux could be anywhere from difficulty of swallowing, food getting stuck to anemia to cancer.
Therefore, while personal and rational measures are encouraged you should not be over confident. If this is your situation and the condition is persistent or does not relieve using usual means, it is time to seek attention of a doctor who preferably have special knowledge and interest in this.