Your GI Center Houston | What Our Logo Means

Your GI Center Houston | What Our Logo Means

rsz_logoFolks you have been noticing our logo that decorates all our communications. It is a rounded structure, more in the shape of mother earth with some colors. Have you wondered what it means? Why did we come up with this logo? Does it mean anything to us and thereby to you as our valuable friends?

In the following paragraphs I will try to explain our side of the story

The Circle of Life

The rounded nature of our logo is emblematic of the circle of life, just like mother earth. We believe that we are all interdependent upon each other and we have to trust each other. As your GI physician I depend on you and as my friend-patients you depend upon me. We are all intertwined in the thread of life and living, we all circle around one thing: mutual care and mutual respect and trust. This is what the rounded structure means.

The Flames of Life

In the bottom we have color of flame! This is the flame of life, we suffer and make ourselves skilled by suffering. It signifies your and my pain like when we feel the burn of stomach acid, or when we suffer from the pain of the abdomen or any other organ for that matter, it is the pain for our loved ones, it is the pain of our own or for the unfortunate, downtrodden ones of the community of our great country and even the world. It is the pain I carry, it is the burden I carry for example everyday for losing my mother who worked so hard but could never enjoy the earthly enjoyments due to her death.

Be Generous, Be Open, and Be at Peace

Then comes the white sigmoid of the logo residing in the middle. It signifies our peace and adjustment to the realities of life and acceptance of the reality. All sufferings have to come to an end. Remember mind over body. All conflicts must end in an amicable way. Life is not a zerosome game, we all have to be winner giving and taking. We need to sit back and be generous.

Treatment is easy, but healing is not necessarily the treatment. Healing has much deeper and profound meaning to me. It is the state of healing, healing of body and mid as well.

Finally in the upper part you see combination of green and blue. This means transformation, a transcendence of life and our suffering process. It signifies not only overcoming the bodily injury and suffering but also a process of profound mental peace and understanding of ourselves and our surroundings. It is the meditative state, it is the state that the whirling Dervish of the Sufis have achieved, it is the Nirvana that Buddha had achieved, it is the night celestial journey of Mohammad, it is the disappearance of Jesus. Treatment is easy, but healing is not necessarily the treatment. Healing has much deeper and profound meaning to me. It is the state of healing, healing of body and mid as well.

 Thank you for all that you are!

Lastly, let me put an end to it by expressing my profound gratitude to everyone contributing in my life, from my parents, wife to my staff and most importantly to all my  patient-friends. You make us rock. Special thanks to Amanda Little who came up with the logo design.


With love


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